Revitalize Your Libido: Hormone Secrets to Ignite Passion in Menopause
Angel Hill is a women’s hormone expert. She has a Doctor of Naturopathy degree and is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine. Angel has 14 years experience and seen more than 7,000 clients. She helps women from preconception to menopause optimize their hormones.
Leslie: For those of us who don't know you, could you tell us a bit about your background and what you do?
Angel: Absolutely! I'm a traditional naturopath and have been in the business for about 14 years. For much of that time, I operated a brick-and-mortar store, working with a diverse range of clients. Over the years, I discovered that many women need help with hormonal imbalances. Having gone through some of these challenges myself, I decided to transition to an online practice, focusing specifically on women's hormonal health.
Leslie: Can you talk to us about hormones, especially in relation to perimenopause and menopause, which is a phase of life many of our listeners are navigating right now?
Angel: Certainly! Perimenopause and menopause can be confusing; perimenopause is a long phase that can start as early as age 35, but menopause itself is just one day. After menopause, we enter postmenopause. I find it fascinating how we define these phases. When we look at hormones during perimenopause, I like to use a hormone hierarchy model. Researchers have discovered that cortisol, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones are all interconnected, with cortisol needing to be balanced first before we can effectively manage insulin and sex hormones.
Leslie: That's really interesting! So, if your baseline hormones aren’t in alignment, it’s difficult to align the others. What would you say is the first step in this process?
Angel: The first step involves addressing cortisol, which comes from our adrenal glands. Cortisol is essentially our energy hormone, giving us the energy we need, especially in the morning. If cortisol is unregulated, our bodies feel unsafe, often due to stress. When we’re stressed, our bodies prioritize survival, which means they won’t prioritize functions like sex or reproduction. To remedy this, we must first work on stress management and getting cortisol levels in check.
Leslie: It seems like everyone talks about cortisol in relation to stress. Is cortisol impacted during menopause, or is it something we need to address before we can tackle menopause-related hormones?
Angel: Cortisol is relevant throughout our lives, including during menopause. Since it's a foundational hormone, it affects all others. Additionally, the quality of our food has changed over the years. Supplements can help provide essential minerals that are often lacking in our diets, which are crucial for hormone function, especially during perimenopause when our hormone levels fluctuate significantly.
Leslie: Can you elaborate on how minerals impact hormones?
Angel: Certainly! Key minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium play vital roles in hormonal balance. We also need zinc and others. For instance, your immune support product has as much magnesium as five cups of spinach! Consuming adequate minerals helps regulate cortisol, which sets the stage for other hormones to function properly.
Leslie: What’s the next step in your hormone hierarchy after addressing cortisol?
Angel: The next level focuses on insulin. Many people associate insulin with blood sugar management, but insulin resistance can lead to various health issues, including problems with blood flow. This affects not only men’s erectile function but also women’s sexual response. It’s vital to keep blood sugar levels stable to enhance blood flow.
Leslie: How do you regulate insulin levels? Is it a similar approach to cortisol?
Angel: Yes, regulating insulin primarily involves managing blood sugar levels. A lot of women experience insulin resistance, which can be related to conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A simple recommendation is to have your fasting insulin levels tested; ideally, they should be at or below seven.
Leslie: That’s a useful tip! Are there additional benefits to maintaining healthy insulin levels beyond blood sugar control?
Angel: Definitely! Besides blood sugar control, maintaining healthy insulin levels can help prevent cravings, as well as support weight management. I always encourage my clients to include protein in their meals. Ideally, you want about 15-30 grams of protein at each meal to help regulate insulin levels and keep you satiated.
Leslie: What comes next after addressing insulin?
Angel: After addressing insulin, we move on to the thyroid. The thyroid has a significant impact on libido and overall hormone circulation. It doesn't matter whether the thyroid is overactive or underactive; if it’s dysregulated, it can cause hormonal imbalances. This is why I recommend comprehensive testing rather than just guessing.
Leslie: Can you elaborate on how someone might know if they have thyroid issues, and what steps they should take?
Angel: Common signs of thyroid issues include unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight, as well as unusual hair loss. If someone suspects they have thyroid issues, I recommend testing. Functional medicine doctors often have a broader perspective than conventional doctors, focusing on how to optimize health rather than just addressing disease.
Leslie: What nutritional adjustments do you recommend for thyroid health?
Angel: To support thyroid function, I suggest going gluten-free. Gluten can mimic thyroid hormones, leading the body to attack itself. Additionally, Brazil nuts are excellent for thyroid health due to their high selenium content. Just two Brazil nuts a day can make a significant difference!
Leslie: You mentioned earlier that thyroid health is connected to libido. Can you explain that?
Angel: Absolutely! The thyroid is responsible for regulating the circulation of sex hormones throughout the body. If the thyroid isn’t functioning properly, those hormones won’t circulate as they should, impacting libido. Also, thyroid imbalances can lead to vaginal dryness, which makes intimacy uncomfortable.
Leslie: Do you have any inspiring stories from clients you’ve worked with regarding these changes?
Angel: Yes! One woman in particular had been on thyroid medication for years without seeing any weight loss or improvement in her health. After implementing dietary changes and addressing her hormone hierarchy, she was able to lower her medication dosage within just three months! She lost about ten pounds and felt a significant shift in her overall well-being.
Leslie: That’s incredible! What sorts of problems do people typically come to you with?
Angel: Many clients come to me with concerns about hormone issues, often thinking it’s purely related to sex hormones. However, once I introduce them to the hormone hierarchy, we often discover foundational issues that need addressing first. I typically start with a hair tissue mineral analysis to assess mineral levels and heavy metal toxicity.
Leslie: What should people be aware of regarding toxins and their impact on hormones?
Angel: Toxins can disrupt hormonal balance significantly. I recommend focusing on daily bathroom habits to eliminate toxins. If toxins remain in the body, they can leak back into the bloodstream. It's essential to check for low-level infections, mold, and heavy metals, as these can all disrupt hormone regulation.
Leslie: What about synthetic fragrances? I’ve heard those can be problematic.
Angel: Yes! If there’s one thing I recommend people give up, it’s synthetic fragrances. They can interfere with hormonal balance and are found in many household products. I had a client who was trying to conceive; once she eliminated synthetic fragrances from her home, she got pregnant within two months after trying for years.
Leslie: Where can people find you if they want to learn more about your services
Angel: You can find me at alternativehealthwithangel.com. I’m also active on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Additionally, I recommend checking out the Environmental Working Group’s website at ewg.org, which provides resources on how to identify harmful products and ingredients.